Introducing one of the newest members to our amazing team - Tyson! So far, Tyson's proven to be an invaluable asset to our possé (hence his uber-important job titles!).
Name: Tyson
Position at SITM : Vice President in charge of Top Secret Warehouse Operations and Head Researcher for the Department of Animal Doodles
Years at SITM : Working on my First
Favorite pair of SITM socks : Multi Color Man Bolt
Tell us a bit about yourself in less than 120 words:
Kick it in the Recording Studio.
Have a 48 Hour Simpsons Marathon WITH audio commentaries.
Hang on the beach scouting UFO's, waxing parapsychology, and wondering about the
legitimacy of an Inter Dimensional Bigfoot theory.
Sometimes I do all those things at once.
What were you doing before you started working at Sock It to Me? Odd Jobbing, Road Tripping.
Did 5,000 + miles from KY to OR with my fiance' and puppy dog. We hit Roswell, The Painted Desert, Petrified Forest, The Grand Canyon, Arches National Park, and more.. ..but basically this is just a fancy way to say we were living in a van. : )
One food item you could not live without : MEAT!
Where are you going when the zombie apocalypse happens? You know, I'm not sure where I'll be holding up - but wherever it is, I'm considering digging a moat..... and filling it with lava.
What sock do you with Sock It to Me had? Sasquatch DJ