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Portland DSC 3rd Place Winner: Chris!

Now presenting this year's 3rd place winner in the Portland Design-a-Sock Contest - with his awesome "Shiver Me Limbers" sock - Chris!

Name: Chris Hubbard

Age: 30

Occupation: Chef, tattoo artist, & currently attending Le Cordon Blue in downtown Portland

Design History: I started drawing when I got outta high school and wanted to become a tattoo artist after getting my first sleeve done. I have done design work for video games, bands' merchandise, and up and coming restaurants and other businesses alike.

How did you come up with your winning design? I came up with the design while sitting in my Foundations 1 class at school...I listened...passed with an A. It's so weird that I didn't even look at last years winner but I came up with the ship basically so I could do the waves...I like drawing waves.

How long did it take you to create it? It took me about 2 hours to pencil and then color trying not to shade it but block blend to try and fit the rules, was kinda difficult to simplify all the designs I did.

How many designs did you enter into this particular contest? I entered 3 this time - 2 of which were entered in the top 30. I saw the ad in the Mercury and then grabbed like 6 of them and started drawing thinking of ideas all the time and still have some designs I did that I didn't send in.

Did you have the design in mind before the contest ever started or were you motivated to enter once you saw the contest posted on Facebook? Motivated to enter when I saw the contest posted. I didn't know the contest existed!

Have you ever entered a Sock It to Me Design-a-Sock Contest before? no

Do you plan on entering another Sock It to Me Design-a-Sock Contest? This was my first time seeing this competition but I will be doing it again for sure...apparently I have the style your/there looking for so I will definitely be entering again...lots of fun can't believe people do this for a living..I may need to change careers :)

What are your other favorite Sock It to Me styles? I love any style of the socks. I am wearing the mustard yellow and black mustache socks that I picked out for winning!

How many pairs of Sock It to Me's do you own? I own 7 pairs of Sock It To Me socks as of now...I may not buy any more Sock It to Me socks..specially cuz now I can win them! ha...Thank you guys so much,you paid some of my bills!   

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