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Portland DSC 2nd Place Winner: Yvonne!

Now presenting this year's 2nd place winner in the Portland Design-a-Sock Contest - with her eye-catching rendition of the "Peacock" sock - Yvonne!

Name: Yvonne Ng

Age: 34

Occupation: Architectural Designer

Design History: I work in the field of Architecture and Interior Design, so I do consider myself a designer, of buildings and places. I also have an undergraduate degree in Studio Art (drawing and painting), so art and design have always been a part of my life. I love sketching, drawing, watercolor - the process of working out my thoughts and ideas by putting a pencil to paper.

How did you come up with your winning design? What was the motivation behind it? Honestly, I think the idea came to me in my sleep. I had been brainstorming ideas all week before the competition deadline, coming up with a long list of possibilities, and one morning I woke up, and a very clear image was in my head, and said, "That's it - a peacock!" So I drew it out.

How long did it take you to create it? The deadline was Friday 5pm, and I created it the morning of.

How many designs did you enter into this particular contest? 5 total. It's funny, I spent all week making several other entries, messing with the designs, trying to make them better, trying to come up with new ideas, and then at the last minute the peacock idea came to me and I knew it was going to be my best entry.

Did you have the design in mind before the contest ever started or were you motivated to enter once you saw the contest posted on Facebook? Motivated to enter when I saw the contest posted. I didn't know the contest existed!

Have you ever entered a Sock It to Me Design-a-Sock Contest before? no

Do you plan on entering another Sock It to Me Design-a-Sock Contest? sure!

What are your other favorite Sock It to Me styles? I am always drawn to the Bird on a Wire sock every time I see it. And the Mushrooms. And Jellyfish. And Umbrellas. Really, all of them.

How many pairs of Sock It to Me's do you own? I knew this question would come up! I don't actually own any pairs. I've been the poor student ever since I moved to Oregon for graduate school, so I always admired them in stores, making a mental list of which ones I would get once I had a job. (I have actually purchased several pairs, but they were all for gifts.) I graduated in June 2012, and as of this week have a full-time job, so now I can buy lots of Sock It to Me's! What's even better is that I get free socks for winning!! Yay!  


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