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As some of you may know, and for those of you that don't... Portland (our beloved city) is a land of DIY bicyclists. Since 2002, the city has hosted a bike event that has morphed into an all out Pedalpalooza! It's a 2+ week long bikey fun extravaganza! Almost all the events are run by volunteers, and most of them are completely FREE! There are yoga rides, solar panel rides, tutu rides, and the ever popular World Naked Bike ride.

This year there were over 250 events, and here is a peek at 2 of our faves: At the Epic Pizza Ride about 30 - 40 riders meet up at a park, but only the leader knows where the ride is going. You follow the leader around town to 5 surprise pizza shops that have prepared sample-size pizza pies for you to munch on! Biking and pizza? Yes, please! Another one of our faves is the Bowie vs Prince Ride. For this mystery ride, everyone dresses up as either Bowie or Prince. On the way to your final destination, you make frequent stops to dance. The bike ride ends at a huge dance party in a cemetery with amazing tunes and a disco ball! Biking and 80's Glam Rockers? We want more! Pedalpalooza literally has something for every biker out there...

For the second year in a row, Sock It To Me was in on the action! We LOVE to ride bikes, and we were counting down the days before the Hott Sock 2011 Prime Time ride. A fantastic crew of well heeled fashion and bike enthusiasts met up with the fine crew of Sock Dreams and then pedaled on over to the new, centrally located Sock It To Me headquarters for a rockin good time! About 100 new and old members of our sock "family" gathered for games, snacks, and (of course) good beer! Sounds fun, and oh, it was!


Some party goers participated in a relay race where teams had to do goofy things really fast. They had to crab walk, stack boxes, catch marshmallows, hopscotch, and 2 team members had to put on 25 individual socks. This was all in the name of the mighty coveted and always popular prize: FREE SOCKS! Check out our video coverage of relay race:

If the relay race wasn't for you, there was always the artsy option. Our party people used their imaginations to dream up these AMAZING sock monsters!


The party lasted well into the night - ok, until well after the keg was tapped out! Needless to say, we had lots of fun celebrating our city and one of its favorite pastimes! If you're in Portland for Pedalpalooza next year, you gotta come by!!!.

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