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Meet the Sock: Rampage

 Rampage thinks you and he would make a smashing pair! Find out how in this interview.

SITM: What are you bringing to the Sock It to Me line?
SITM: What shoes do you think you go best with?
Rampage: Clodhoppers. For maximum destruction.
SITM: Who is your sock idol?
Rampage: T-Rex. He looks like he could do some damage.
SITM: What's your superpower?
Rampage: SMASHING THINGS! Also, I have awesome laser eyes.
SITM: If you could be worn by one pair of feet, who would you choose?
Rampage: Godzilla! As long as that wouldn't make it harder for him to climb buildings. And smash them.  

Turn your destructive streak into a fashion streak in Rampage (available in both women's knee high and men's crew).

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