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Meet the Sock: Boston Terrier

 We got the American Gentleman, Boston Terrier, to sit! and speak! just long enough for this interview.

SITM: We already have a lot of dog socks, what are you bringing to the Sock It to Me line?
Terrier: First, I come in both women's and men's versions. Also, I'm a bit more…rational than my dog-sock companions.
SITM: What shoes do you think you go best with?
Terrier: Whatever they are, I will deliver them directly to your feet.
SITM: Who is your sock idol?
Terrier: None currently. Maybe if we had a tuxedo sock, I am the American Gentleman after all.
SITM: What's your superpower?
Terrier: Loyalty.
SITM: If you could be worn by one pair of feet, who would you choose?
Terrier: My owner's. They are just the best.
SITM: Where do you want to be seen, make an appearance?
Terrier: Wherever you are! I'm sure it's somewhere great!

You heard them! Take the Boston Terrier socks home and they'll follow your lead. Available in both women's knee high and men's crew.

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