Time to learn the bear necessities about these new socks.
SITM: What are you bringing to the Sock It to Me line?
Bearly: Although I'm not the first bear (hey Panda and Gummy!) I am the first gentlemen bear. Just look at my top hat.
SITM: What shoes do you think you go best with?
Bearly: Fancy shoes that are still easy to bike in.
SITM: Who is your sock idol?
Bearly: I like those Dapper Dandies. They have style.
SITM: What's your superpower?
Bearly: Powering a bike with my bear feet.
SITM: What is your life philosophy?
Bearly: Nothing is unbearable when you're on a bike.
SITM: If you could be worn by one pair of feet, who would you choose?
Bearly: Those attending a picnic.
Headed to a picnic? Going for a bike ride? Wish you were riding your bike to a picnic? It's the perfect time to wear Bearly Moving.