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Holiday Designs for Everyone on Your Shopping List

It's almost that time of year again - only 36 days until Christmas! We all love showing our holiday enthusiasm by donning themed sweaters, hats & scarves - but what about your feet??? They NEED love, too! Here are all of our holiday-centered designs READY FOR SOME FEET!

Knee Highs:


Tacky Holiday Sweater: Who doesn’t love a crazy holiday sweater party?! Now you can deck your legs out for all of the holiday merriment with these Tacky Holiday Sweater socks.      



Nutcracker: Top off your mug of eggnog, grab some mistletoe and roast some chestnuts over an open fire. We dare you.  



Reindeer Games: Don’t let that shiny red nose get you down, those snobby reindeer will come around! Then you can kick their little white-tailed butts in hide and seek.    



 All I Want for X-mas: All these kitties want for Christmas is each other.        


Tangled Lights: We hope these are the only tangled lights you see this holiday season.      



Ugly Holiday Sweater: Ugly sweaters for your feet!   


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