Thanksgiving is just TWO days away, and our stomachs are already rumbling! Who wouldn't love a holiday centered around an enormous meal?! FOOD, family, FOOD, friends, FOOD, festivities... Okay, okay - we suppose there is more to Thanksgiving than just the pumpkin pie, so we make sure to count our blessings (between bites, of course!). ;) Since we can't celebrate with all of our faithful fans, we wanted to share a little bit about our favorite Thanksgiving traditions...
Kisa, our wonderwoman in the warehouse who handles all of our inventory needs, is a Thanksgiving-aholic. As a sucker for food-based festivities, you can most likely find her in front of a HUGE plate piled high with all of the traditional trimmings - pumpkin pie, stuffing, and gravy! After cleaning her plate (quite possibly more than once), she loves to catch up with good friends while enjoying some hot butter rum -- sounds like a perfect evening to us also! Kisa and the other half of our dynamic duo,
Amber, (what doesn't that girl do?!) could make a pretty tough team at the Thanksgiving table. In between helpings of her favorite mashed potatoes, she uses the lazy 4-day weekend to her full advantage and takes plenty of naps, dreaming of the day when she can finally celebrate Thanksgiving with her family again in Hawaii. She misses the holidays at the Hawaiian homestead that consist of a huge party with her parents' friends where everyone brings a dish and goes to the beach.
Carrie (does she even need an introduction - she's the founder of course!) likes to keep a good balance between family and friends for the holidays. This year it's 95% friends and 5% family as both her and her mom plan to attend a friend's potluck style meal just a mile down the road. Just good friends enjoying a good meal, and no stress whatsoever (and boy, she certainly deserves it with all of the chaos she's been dealing with at Sock It to Me!).
Of course, when all of our stomachs are full, everyone at Sock It to Me sets aside a little time to think about how thankful we are to have YOU - the best fans in the entire world!