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Happy 2013! We have some awesome resolutions for this year

This year all of us at Sock It To Me are going to try and stick to our guns to keep our resolutions for more than just the month of January (going to the gym every day is HARD, OKAY?). We went around the HQ here and asked everyone what they decided as their 2013 resolutions, what their favorite internet meme was in 2012 and where was the craziest place they have seen SITM socks being worn. Here are the gripping answers!

Matt - resolution is "to stock pile Twinkies"; funny youtube video is Fruit Ninja in this link.

Sarah - resolution (coming from a Vegan) is "more vegetables, fewer cupcakes"; favorite internet meme is "Grumpy Cat."

Mitch - resolution is "to be as rude to my fellow man as possible"; favorite blog is David Thorne's 27b/6 Missing Missy.

Todd - resolution is "to get my sh** together across 4 households"; cool youtube video is Mike Relm's The Joker.

Kathryn - resolution is "to find and plan for the next prophesied end of the world."

Jacob -- resolution is "to make good on all previous resolutions"; coolest way he's seen SITM is on a sky diver while skydiving (photo to follow soon!).

Kisa -- resolution is "to acquire at least one super human power, so plans to spend time around nuclear reactors." Happy 2013 everyone!

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