We finally caught up with our 2nd winner from last year's "Free Socks for a Year" Contest (boy, is she a busy girl)! Like we did with Nicci, we had to get Ashley's thoughts on winning so we could live vicariously through her first-hand experience of having all of her sock dreams come true.
Meet Ashley, and check out all the cool places our Sock It to Me's have been!
1) Did you randomly guess how many socks were in the container or did you try to figure it out mathematically?
Mathematically actually. I looked at the photos and counted how many pairs of socks I thought I saw and then figured that since the vase was tapered there were probably 2.5 times the amount I saw in the jar. It actually came to 28.5 so I rounded up. It was a good call :)
Tough question. I currently work for an outdoor adventure company that primarily does bike trips so I get alot of wear out of my green knee high bike socks. But I secretly want to be a ninja, so those may take the cake.

3) What was the greatest part about receiving 3 pairs of socks every month for a year?
Before I won this contest I think I had maybe 1 pair of matching socks and was teased about this pretty frequently - now I have a year's supply! Plus winning is a pretty rad feeling as well.
4) Did you pick out all 36 socks for yourself, or did you share some of the sock love?
Every month I give away at least 1 pair. Usually more. I really don't have enough room for all those socks! It has been really fun to let my friends know "It's your month to pick a pair of socks!"

5) Are you a bigger sock fan now or prior to the contest?
Now for sure! It's fun to accessorize with all the crazy socks I now own.
6) How often do you sport your Sock It to Me's?
Pretty much whenever I wear socks. Except when I'm hiking or camping in below 30 degree weather.

7) Craziest place you've worn your Sock It to Me's?
Tough questions. I have been doing alot of traveling lately due to my switch in careers. I have been rocking my SITM's in a bunch of national parks (Tetons, Yellowstone and Yosemite so far). I also wore them for a century bike ride (100 mile ride) I did last month to raise money for the American Lung Association. I got tons of compliments on them.
8) What styles do you hope Sock It to Me comes out with next?
Thick Hiking Socks in crazy patterns.