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Employee Profile: Eli

What’s your name?

Eli Bresler Smith

What’s your position at Sock It to Me?

Sales Support Coordinator & Seasonal Kiosk Manager

How long have you worked at Sock It to Me?

Full Time for just under two years, but I’ve been working off and on with the company for almost 4.

What is your favorite Sock It to Me sock currently?

Batnado or Celestial Elephant

What do you like to do outside of work?

Read, play board/card games, attend a happy hour with friends, DM a SITM D&D game, occasionally I make board games as well.

Do you have any strange or unique talents? Or maybe just a regular one? Something your co-workers don’t know about? OMG tell us!

I make the second best Chex-Mix in the world. My grandmother still makes the best.

What do you like most about working at Sock It to Me?

I feel like everyone always says the people, so I’m going to say the variety of challenges we’re presented with every day. Keeps things fresh.

What do you think our customers love most about Sock It to Me?

The uniqueness of each sock.

What type of clothing do you think Sock It to Me should move into next?

Lounge/pajama wear. Or tights.

What is one food you can’t live without, and why?

The tortilla. It can burrito anything!

X-Ray Vision or Flight?

I’m scared of heights, so x-ray vision. In terms of super powers, Jack Hawksmoor is my favorite comic character.

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