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Design a Sock Contest now running!!

To our Portland peeps...

It's heeeeere! Yes, the Portland-only Annual Design-A-Sock Contest is back, now in its third year. Third! We're excited. Last year, we had so many submissions, we could have filled a kiddie pool or two. No joke. So get into your creative spunky mood and start sketching, coloring, computer-designing... you know, do what you do. You get five chances to knock our socks off. Tehehe. Pun intended.

Like other years, the first place winner gets $500. That's five Benjamins. Five. What would you do with that kind of money? New bike gear, a trip to Central America, a car payment or two...

Anyhoo, find the sock template and in a HURRY in one of these three locations: in this week's Willamette Week (Page 16. Rip it out. Make copies), in this week's Portland Mercury (Page 12) or on our website (see it over there on the left side?). Make up to five designs and email 'em in to or send via snail mail (Design Contest, 6624 SE 45th Ave., Portland, OR 97206). Submissions are due by Friday, Sept. 25that 5pm (which is less than 10 days away)—in hand, not postmarked. Hurry, get em in!!!

Remember, multiple winners are awarded!

First Place: $500 + 10 pairs of socks + production of sock & integration into our SITM line

Second Place: $100 + 5 pairs of socks

Third Place: $50 + 3 pairs of socks

Bonus win: If we like your designs, we may just buy em off you, anyways!

Some rules and regulations:

Entrants must be Portland residents. No more than five entries per person. Designs must be the artist's original creation and shall not be copies or duplicated from previously published art. The design is limited to a maximum of five colors. All colors must be flat and solid, with no shadint, belendinf or half-tones. Simple is good. Patterns are good. Check out our website for designs that have worked in the past. The designs must fill the template provided here or online. Sock It To Me reserves the right to alter the design if necessary. All designs submitted will become the sole property of Sock It To Me and will not be returned. Sock It To Me will not assume liability for any damage, loss or theft of any entry. Submit address, email and phone number along with design.

An—ahem—esteemed panel of young creatives will serve as judges for the contest, and the winners will be announced by October 10, 2009, right here on our website. So check back! And thank you for your submissions. We love this time of year. Such talent out there, Portland! Good luck! xo

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