Name: Chelsey Furedi
Age: 21
Location: New Zealand Occupation: Animator
When she was only 12, animator Chelsey Furedi was already beginning to create her own illustrations for her own stories. Now, at 21, the New Zealander is making art her career.
Chelsey began storytelling in her preteen years, and by 13 she was writing novels about romance and ghosts. Along with her equally artistic friends, she would spend lunch in the library crafting projects.
“I loved this experience because we got to share our stories with each other and help improve our works. I loved coming up with new worlds, and expressing myself through my characters...no matter how cliche they were,” Chelsey says.

After becoming involved in online art communities and fandom, Chelsey decided she wanted to study animation in college. As a result of those online fan-made animations, parodies, and music videos, she began to study character design, concept art, and storyboarding while in university. Now she is a professional animator, and the creator of the comic Rock and Riot!
“Rock and Riot is my passion project that soon turned into my side job!” she explains. “It's a queer themed webcomic about 1950's rivaling gangs. I made it because I wanted a story that everyone could see themselves in, and could finish reading it with a smile.”
When she’s not at her animation job, drawing comics, livestreaming herself drawing comics, she’s spending her spare time playing video games like Sims (“living my dream life with a wife and an art career”) or Life Is Strange. But drawing is more than a job. “I draw for my job, I draw for my hobby, and to wind down, it's just more drawing,” Chelsey says.
Both her newest and oldest endeavor is Project Nought, a science fiction tale revolving around a time travel exchange program. She’s been dreaming of it since she was 15, and has finally paired the perfect plot with her now-six-year-old characters. “I'm excited to launch it and finally share it with the world!”
Beyond the challenges of creating 24/7, Chelsey says her largest hurdle at the moment is growing her presence online. “I am aiming to make a full time living off my comics, so it's all about networking and making the right decisions about where/how often I am present online,” she says. “I’m constantly working to grow my brand and put out great stories that people enjoy, and would like to pay me for. My dream is to own a city apartment with big windows, lots of plants, and have all the time to work on my own things.” A goal that this moving image maven is bound to achieve! And what advice does Chelsey have for budding artists and storytellers alike? “If you have a passion, go for it! If you like to tell stories or draw, do it! Grab your old school book or some scrap paper, and make your stories happen!” For her passion and her pictorial purpose, with think Chelsey Furedi is a very Cool Girl! You can see more of Chelsey’s work on her website, https://rockandriotcomic.com/, and on her YouTube channel.