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Apart Together

Like many of you, we find ourselves apart… together. Now in new and uncertain situations with so many unknowns it’s more important than ever to stay optimistic, to look for the good and to show one another support!

Throughout this time we can provide each other with little pieces of hope, happiness and reminders that things will be OK.

We asked you to send in some creative home activities you've been using to stay stimulated and upbeat at home, and we've been loving the answers. Your positivity, creativity, and resilience is incredibly inspiring to us, and we have to share!

Keep sending us what you're doing to stay active (and sane!) at home, and we'll keep sharing! Comment below on this post, email us at or DM us on Instagram or Facebook.

We'll continue to update this post as we get more submissions, so keep 'em rolling!

We’ll be with you through all of this, with support and reminders on social media and in your inbox. We’ll also be available to send a little happy package to your loved ones as a substitute for the hug you cannot give them right now.

Let’s help each other connect in this strange time where we have to be apart: we’ll make it through it together.

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